AT Austria
President: Ing. Mag. Gerhard Pahr
Vicerector Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
c/o Frau Andrea Felner Grenzackerstraße 18, 1100 Wien
Secretary: MR DI Dr. Christian Dorninger
BMUKK Minoritenplatz 5
1010 Wien
christian.dorninger@bmukk.gv.at |
BG Bulgaria
President: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lyubomir Kostadinov Lazov
Head of Physics Department TU
Gabrovo H.-Dimiter Str. 4, BG-5300 Gabrovo
Tel +359 88 8869092
Fax +359 66 801511
Secretary General: Prof. Dr. –Ing. Petar Petrov
Technical University of Gabrovo
H.-Dimiter Str. 4, BG-5300 Gabrovo
Technical Secretary: Dipl. -Ing. Nedka Atanasova
Technical University of Gabrovo
H.-Dimiter Str. 4, BG-5300 Gabrovo
natan@abv.bg |
BRA Brasil
President: Prof. Dr. Claudio da Rocha Brito
General Seretary: Prof. Dr. Melany M. Ciampi
Council of Researches in Educations and Sciences – COPEC
Rua Dom Pedro II, 54, 3rd floor, room 312.
11.010-080 - Santos - SP – Brazil.
Tel: +55 13 3227 1898
Fax: +55 13 3227 1998
igip@copec.org.br |
CH Switzerland
President: Prof. Ulrich Burri
HTA Biel der Berner Fachhochschule Quellgasse 21 2501 Biel
ulrich.burri@bfh.ch |
CZ Czech Republic
President: Doc. Ing. Jiri Mericka, CSc,
elektrotechn. fakulta (K13114)
Technicka 2, 16627 Praha 6
vice-president: Doc. Dr. Dana Dobrovska, CSc.
Masarykuv ustav vyssich studii CVUT, Horska 3, 12000 PRAHA 2
vice-president: Doc. Ing. Jiri Vacek,
TU Liberec, Hálkova 6,46117 LIBEREC
auditor: Doc. RNDr. Kveta Lejcková, CSc.
Suchdolská 164/23. 16500 PRAHA 6
lejckova@vc.cvut.cz |
DE Germany
President: NN
Please inquire at
office@igip.org |
EE Estonia
President: Dr. Jüri Vanaveski
TUT Tallinn
Ehitajate tee 5
19086 Tallinn, Estonia
Tel +372 620 3255
Fax +372 620 2020
cp@ttu.ee |
HU Hungary
President: NN
Please inquire at
office@igip.org |
IND India
President: Navaraj Kanagaray
Jaya Engineering College
Rajalakshmi Mahal, Floor III, 108, Pondy Bazaar, T. Nagar 600 017 Chennai, INDIA
Tel +91 44 26390682
Fax +91 44 26390982
vc@jetsb.ac.in |
JOR Jordan
Coordinator: Dr. Arafat Awajan
Network Institute for Technology and Princess Sumaya University of Technology, Jordan
Prof. Samir A. El-Seoud
Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman, Jordan
selseoud@psut.edu.jo |
KAZ Kazakhstan
President: Prof. Dr. Galimkair Mutanov
East-Kazakhstan State Technical University
69, Naberezhnaya Krasnykh Orlov
KAZ-492024 Ust-Kamenogorsk
Tel. +7 3232 262 889
Fax +7 3232 540 028
gmutanov@ektu.kz |
NL The Netherlands
President: Dr. Ing. Alphons J.M. Dehing
Fontys University of Professional Education
PO Box 347
NL-5600 AH Eindhoven
Tel. +31 877 878 456
Fax +31 877 875 144
a.dehing@fontys.nl |
PL Poland
President: NN
Please inquire at
office@igip.org |
RO Romania
President: Prof. Sorin Eugen Zaharia
Head of Mechanical Engineering Department
Valahia University of Targoviste
Avenue Unirii nr. 18.
RO-0200 Targoviste
Tel +40 1 313 00 51, +40 45 210 283
Fax +40 1 313 00 53, +40 45 210 283
sorin.zaharia@apart.ro |
RU Russia
President: Prof. Viatscheslav M. Prikhodko
Rector of Moscow State Technical University for Automobile and Road Construction (MADI-GTU)
64, Leningradskie pr.
125319 Moscow, Russia
Tel +7 095 1550 4040
Fax +7 095 151 8965
General secretary: Prof. Vladimir B. Borisevich
Dean of mechanical construction faculty of MADI-GTU
Tel +7 095 155 0715
Fax +7 095 151 6278,
rmc@igip.madi.ru |
SK Slovakia
President: Prof. Dusan Driensky
Technical Universiy Bratislava
Laurinska 14
SK-81101 Bratislava
Tel +42 7 33 26 25
Fax +42 7 33 17 30
Secretary: Doc. Ing. Roman Hrmo
Technical Universiy BratislavaLaurinska 14
SK-81101 Bratislava
roman.hrmo@stuba.sk |
SL Slovenia
President: Prof. Tine Zoric
Univerza v Mariboru
Pupinova 2
SLO-2000 Maribor
Tel +386 2 2 513 512
zoric-venuti@uni-mb.si |
TR Turkey
President: Prof. Dr. Selahattin Incecik / Mr, Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Department of Meteorological Engineering
Maslak 34469 Istanbul
Tel: +90 212 285 3143
Fax: +90 212 285 2926
Secretary General: Dr. Ayse Ozturk / Ms, Robotica Limited, 17-19 Park Terrace Lane, Glasgow G3 6BQ, Scotland / UK
Tel : +44 141 353 2261
Fax: +44 141 353 2614
ayse@ozturk.co.uk |
UA Ukraine
President: Prof. Stanislaw Artyukh
16, Universitetskaja Str.
UA-61003 Charkow
Tel +380 572 127862
Fax +380 572 127236
Secretary: Prof. Akiva Asherov
16, Universitetskaja Str.
UA-61003 Charkow
all@ikt.uipa.kharkov.ua |